A Dark Fairy Tale Reimagining

The witch’s wrath has left me isolated, broken. A Beast unable to even touch another living soul without ruining them. My only solace comes from watching the one I’ve fallen in love with from afar. Fleur. She’s beautiful, spirited, and everything I desire. I can’t give her what she needs, but there’s one in the village who can… Gabriel is tall, strong, and handsome—all things I once was. As my days grow lonelier, I accept that I need them—both of them. They’ll act out every dark, twisted fantasy my monstrous form prevents me from participating in. And with any luck, they’ll grow to enjoy their new prison. But the closer we become, the more the roses wither and die. The castle is changing. The curse exacts a greater toll each day.Unless… Is it possible Fleur is meant for more than satiating my most carnal needs?Could she be the one to break the spell? Or is it too impossible for anyone to love a Beast?

  • Frost and Fate- book inspired candle

    “Nova lifted her fingers toward the top of the glass ceiling. A gust of chilly wind blew through the room and settled in the air. A sheet of soft sparkling snowflakes began to fall around them. They quickly became larger and larger until each flake was the size of a silver dollar. The snowflakes coated Nova's silver hair and lashes. She smiled and stuck out her tongue to catch a few.”

    This is what I envision the air smells like when Nova used her Celestial ice powers!

    Frost and Fate contains the delightful frosty scents of sweet vanilla and cool peppermint cream! Each Frost and Fate is topped with a Dumortierite mini moon!

    Dumortierite opens the third eye and enhances all mental abilities. It activates latent psychic abilities including clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Dumortierite improves will power and memory retention and is great for students or those working on learning. It is also ideal for those who work with astrology or tarot.

    Frost and Fate signed copies are available on our site! If you prefer kindle you can find it on Amazon! 

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  • Alpha & Ivy-book inspired candle

    “Gideon stole the moment, sinking his lips into hers. Hr smelled like pine trees and sunshine.”

    This beautiful candle is inspired by the second book in my Chosen Shifter Mates Series, Alpha and Ivy!

    We’ve taken our Enchanted Forest base and topped it with a Cherry blossom Agate mushroom to create our Alpha and Ivy Candle! 

    Alpha and Ivy smells of fresh cut pine, fir needles, a hint of citrus, a touch of juniper, and a dash of warm spices. Each candle is topped with a Cherry Blossom Agate Mushroom! 

    Cherry Blossom Agates are grounding stones that bring emotional, physical, and intellectual balance. Agate helps to center, stabilize, and harmonize a yin and yang energy. Flower agate is identified by its light pink flower like formations.

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  • Feast of the Vampire King- book inspired candle

    “Little star..." He relished the way she shivered as he whispered in her ear. "You'll pay for your pleasure in blood.”

    This candle is inspired by my recent dark romance horror short release, Feast of the Vampire King! Only available on Amazon and kindle unlimited! (18+, graphic violence,  dubcon, blood, & sexually explicit content) 

    “The Vampire King smelled like the rich desserts in the bakery she had never been able to afford to enter. But there was a tangy, metallic scent in there as well.“

    Feast of the Vampire King smells like Uriel himself! It contains the sweet scents of freshly baked apple cider donuts with mouthwatering cinnamon and sugar! Each candle is topped with a Tigers Eye star!

    Golden Tiger’s Eye is a stone that brings optimism and positivity. It is an incredible stone for balancing emotions and finding balance between extremes. It is a great stone of protection! It is also a stone that brings insight into situations. It can be used on the first through third chakras.

    **Each star is unique. One star will be intuitively chosen for you.**

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